A vast range of games enter this week's bargains. From the adrenaline free-flow battles in outer-space to family sports days, we have something to fit your every gaming need. Some of these requires the PlayStation Move and some of them needs the Kinect, so plug them in now, and scroll down to see the deals.
Following the new Weekly Specials tradition, no maximum amount of purchase is set, so feel free to share the fun with friends. But please bear in mind that you cannot use any further discount coupons along with this special offer.
Live your super hero dream with your Kinect. In PowerUP Heroes, gamers get to play with all the different lethal super powers by defeating the villains and taking their suits. The most powerful fleet is waiting for gamers to direct to battle in Mass Effect 2.
PlayStation3 gamers share the space mission in Mass Effect 2 with the Xbox360 gamers. Leaving the space ships behind, gamers are welcome to visit Silent Hill in Homecoming, where they find skeletons heaped in the closet and ghouls floating down the streets. They can also defy destiny in Resonance of Fate and fight against a dictator in Tron: Evolution. Make sure Move gadgets are installed when you immerse bodily into the beautiful world in Child of Eden, or start sports day at home with Sports Champion.